Traveler Information in Vienna

Traveler information

Time in Vienna 16:15
Coin Euro Member Countries €
Time in Vienna 16:15
Coin Euro Member Countries €
Shabbat times
Parsha Beshalach (Shabbat Shirah)
Shabbat begins
Shabbat ends

Safety and Security

Vienna is a peaceful European city and one can walk the streets – even at night – without fear. Still, one should take the proper security precautions:

Large sums of money and important documents should be left in the hotel safe. (Some hotels have a safe in every room and some have a central safe – ask!)

In heavily populated areas, stay aware.

In case of emergency, keep the following numbers on hand:

Firefighters: 122

Police: 133

Ambulance: 144

Public Transportation in Vienna

Vienna boasts one of the most sophisticated and interconnected public transport systems in all of Europe. It includes:

Trams (Strassenbahn)  – that ride along rails on the city streets

Underground/Subway (U-Bahn)


Tickets to public transport are reasonably priced but need to be bought beforehand (and in case of single ride tickets – stamped upon entering train/tram/bus.) Undercover ticket agents occasionally circulate to check tickets and it is best to avoid an unpleasant confrontation and a hefty fine by simply having tickets.

Tickets can be bought at all “Tabak” stores and in vending machines at train- and underground stations.

Ticket Price List:

Single Trip: 2.20 €

24 Hour Ticket: 7.60 €

48 Hour Ticket: 13.30 €

72 Hour Ticket: 16.50 €

8 Day Ticket: 38.40 €

Weekly Ticket: 16.20 €

Monthly Ticket: 48.20 €

More information can be found on the “Wiener Lienen” website:

Telephones and Communication

Things to be aware of:

Hotels tend to charge exorbitant costs for telephone calls. Therefore, it is best to either buy a local sim card or wait to make phone calls in areas with free wifi.

Ask the hotel receptionist if the hotel offers its guests Wifi.

The tech store idigital offers local sims cards at good prices. Idigital is located near Beth Chabad and opposite the kosher supermarket Padani, at Taborstrasse 41.

To call Israel:  press 00-972 and then the area code without the 0. (For example, for area code 03, dial: 00-972-3)

To call the US: press 00 – 1 and then the area code.

To call Vienna: dial country code 00-43 and then 1 for Vienna.

For your information; if your cellphone plan does not have international coverage, you will be charged on all incoming calls.

Shabbat in Vienna

There is an Eruv in the city Vienna View Eruv map


עמנואל לוי
יעקב - מדריך דתי חסידי ונהג